Hardworkin’ Ads

To develop an ad that works hard to sell product, drive traffic or generate leads requires research, positioning, strategy, creativity, hard work, and last but not least, objectivity. It may be tempting to skip some of these steps, but take a look at the video below to see what might happen if you decide to cut corners.

Whoever you trust to create your ads better be taking notes on these questions and more, otherwise they’re just taking your money.


Are you communicating the benefit to the customer?
If your product is going to be successful, it’s because it offers a key consumer benefit that solves a real problem. Your ad exists to communicate that benefit in a way that is succinct, compelling and memorable.

Have you strategically positioned your product?
Deep research dictates smart positioning, which will result in maximum sales — the true measure of an ad campaign. The greatest ad won’t matter if your angle is wrong. If you’re ad isn’t founded in strategy, you’re just you-know-whatting in the wind.

Are you willing to be different?
Take a calculated leap of faith and be innovative with your ad creative. Nobody will remember a safe, mediocre ad. If your ad shows that your product solves a problem they have and has personality, there’s a much better chance they’ll spend their money. You can (and should) test bold ideas out with customers before rolling out your ad.

Are you trying to say too much?
Fight the urge to try and communicate a catalog of marketing goals all at once — because your ad will fail. Cut the message down to one straightforward benefit and dedicate your ad to conveying that in way that people won’t be able to forget.

I’d love to collaborate on an ad that will sell your product, generate leads, or do whatever else makes your business successful. Let’s talk!